I am Aaron M Pinto
Who I Am
Hi there,
I would like to take this opportunity to share with you a bit of who I am.
As a Project Manager, I have had invaluable opportunities to invest thousands of hours into creating positive and immediate impacts on entire
communities, from championing vast business development reforms to helping end overdose crises that were taking hundreds of lives weekly.
My singular focus now is to invest all of the skills I have gained towards making real the superb environmental goals being championed
by amazing Non-Profits and Governments all over the world and, together, bring about the changes that are so urgently needed today.
My Experience

Senior Technical Project Manager
British Columbia Clinical and Support Services

Infrastructure Project Manager
Provincial Health Services Authority

Board Officer
Vancouver Fringe Theatre Society
My Training

Master of Business Administration
Hult International Business School

Bachelor of Science
University of British Columbia

Certified Humanitarian
Harvard University
Humanitarian Leadership Academy
Organizational Transformation
This project is featured as it involved very complex manoeuvring of both human and capital assets at all levels of BC Healthcare in an especially political initiative.
I was elected by executives to improve the effectiveness of patient care for the entire province of British Columbia (BC), Canada, by managing a multi-year assessment and transition of over $21M in technical assets from various Health Authorities to the BC Clinical and Support Services Society, directly under the Ministry of Health.
I authored several business cases to acquire funding and support and managed several hundred people via over 20 leadership-level working groups across the province through the transition.
Organizational Merger
As another example of complex political manoeuvring, aiming to improve support for substance users within the province, I managed the physical merger of the BC Mental Health and Substance Use Services group and the BC Corrections Mental Health group.
As these groups existed as two separate government entities within the province, political finesse was needed to ensure that the site infrastructure for the merged group would effectively satisfy and support the executive leadership consolidation such that patient care would benefit overall.
An additional key challenge in this project specifically was the modification of a culturally important site such that site readiness was completed without marked damage to the core infrastructure itself.
Full Hospital Site Construction
This project is featured to capture my role in the build of an entire tower within a hospital site. In this project, with the focus of providing the best treatment and support for pre- and post-natal women, I managed the full technical scope of a multi-year, multi-million dollar project within the BC Women's Hospital site.
With the primary challenge in this project being a tightly constrained budget, it was key that the vast number of technical pieces was captured and implemented without impact to budget and schedule in remediation.
The successful execution of the project required the effective coordination of various incoming clinical departments alongside technical specialists, Project Managers, architects, engineering, construction, telephony, electrical, and cabling companies.
Full Hospital Site Redevelopment
Similarly, this project also shows my role in the complex renovation of a fully active hospital site. Prioritizing the improvement of patient care for those in the most critical clinical states, I managed numerous multi-year demolition and renovation projects of multiple departments within the Richmond Hospital site.
The primary challenge here was ensuring that the concurrent renovations, all constrained primarily by schedule, were phased iteratively such that patient care was not impacted while the work progressed. As with the previous project, various trades groups were managed to accomplish the tasks.
I was also elected to manage the technical design and construction of an entire net-new acute care facility within the hospital site.
Full Clinical Site Construction
I featured this project to capture my role in the net-new construction of a full clinical site. With the personal goal of improving mental health care to the most vulnerable demographic within society, I managed the entire net-new build of a Child and Youth Mental Health clinic that now provides the very best support available.
The key challenge in this project, beyond ensuring the technical and infrastructure readiness of the site, was the effective and careful consolidation of various geographically dispersed teams such that care of at-risk youth was not impacted in any way.
Full Clinical Site Redevelopment
In a similar initiative, this C-level driven project involved managing the full renovation and retrofit of an entire site that would drastically improve the care provided for the critically vulnerable Trans members of society.
Once again the coordination of various trades groups and project managers was key to successfully delivering the most time-constrained project I have had to date. Full site readiness, including all infrastructure renovation and upgrades, were required to be completed within less than one month from project initiation.
This project also involved the added complexity of planning and consolidating various geographically dispersed teams into a single clinic.
Province-Wide Technical Refreshes
In this project, I managed the successful refresh and upgrade of all data storage and server infrastructure of an entire provincial-servicing data centre.
In likely my most human resource constrained project to date, the challenge here was ensuring that all clinical services remained uninterrupted through the refresh despite the constrained access to resources who could quickly and effectively complete the tasks.
This project also involved the highly labour-intensive investigation, identification, and assessment of the vast number of undocumented technical clinical assets, alongside the mindful engagement of several hundred stakeholders to manage the downtimes and workarounds required.
Province-Wide Technical Deployments
With the ultimate aim of improving patient care equivalently to all primary and remote communities throughout the province, I managed a provincial deployment of the MS Skype for Business application.
The primary challenge in this project was the drastic level of unknown factors in the scope of the project, due to no existing database adequately capturing the in-scope assets. As such, the coordination of IBM in the deployment and testing of several thousand devices had to be managed with extreme caution and rigour.
A very intricate phased approach was used, alongside ensuring the availability of a strong technical support system to remediate issues that arose post-migration.
Opioid Crisis Management
Once the Fentanyl overdose mortality rate crossed before unthought of thresholds, I was elected to help manage this crisis from an infrastructure perspective.
Certainly, the primary challenge faced here was the critical timeline as fatalities were occurring at a shocking level each day.
My first action was to retrofit key clinics within the heart of where the highest rates of mortality were occurring, to convert them into safe-injection sites where substance users could be managed more directly and where first response could be provided immediately. Mortality rates have continued to stabilize since that time.
Opioid Crisis Remediation
At the peak of the crisis, I was tasked with deploying a province-wide solution that would effectively manage the crisis more proactively by identifying where first responders would be needed most prior to overdoses occurring.
As with the previous project, project timelines were expectedly the most critical piece.
I managed the infrastructure portion of a province-wide technical deployment of an analytics system that helped map when and how overdoses were occurring, which was key in determining where to position first-response staff. This continues to be crucial in actively preventing increases in mortality rates.
Giving Back
Directly supporting wonderful causes and events that bring joy and togetherness to communities instills a deep value set of finding true satisfaction in giving without expectation of reward.
As a Board Member, Venue and Events Manager, or in a variety of other capacities, giving in this manner has proven to provide the patience, skills, modesty, wisdom, and passion that have been able to fuel the desire for change in any conditions, working with any groups of people, for the greater good of all.
Creating better lives for others may not have a personal financial reward and that should never and will never be a reason to not drive towards the goal of helping those in desperate need.
Examples of Where I Have Volunteered

United We Can
I am grateful that you have invested your time with me to this point. I hope you have felt a call to action and an urgency to make the change that needs to be made in our world today. I hope too that you have seen an opportunity on how we can do so together.
Send me a message with what ideas or projects you have in mind and we can discuss how to bring those ideas or projects to fruition. Contact me via the email link or else directly at 'am.pinto@outlook.com'. You can also engage me via Twitter, LinkedIn, or Skype.
I am looking forward to working with you to make this world a safer and healthier place for all.